3 plan [capstone design]
project plan

Iterating on your Project Proposal, develop a comprehensive project plan, a map of the work you will undertake for the rest of the semester. You've had some time to sit with your original proposed scope of work. Your ideas have evolved while developing project-specific deliverables, a lightweight prototype, and a preliminary user study. Use this basis to refine your plan for the rest of the semester.

A key aspect of the project plan is scope. Be ambitious and realistic at the same time. Push yourself, but make sure you are specifying a practical scope of work that will form the basis of a true functional prototype and evaluation.

You will run a user study with this prototype. The study must be meaningful. This means, for example, that you cannot build a game or social network project that requires thousands of participants. Scope your project to the scale of the resources that you can practially access.

In your project plan, specify: