
Students will take turns making presentations on the readings.

1/17 Real-Time Signal Processing and Integration 1:
Introduction to vvvv

vvvv group, vvvv tutorials

vvvv group, vvvv documentation

1/22 Real-Time Programming 2

Puckette, M., Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music, Chapter 1 Sinusoids, Amplitude, and Frequency, 1-24, Chapter 3 Audio and Control Computations, 59-86.

1/24 Motion Tracking

Thomas B. Moeslund and Erik Granum, A Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 81 (2001), 231-268.

2/5 Maps & GIS

Peuquet, D.J., Marble, D.F., Introductory readings in Geographic Information Systems, electronic reserves, pp 10, 27, 120-141 (Tiger Files), 183-193

Wikipedia, Geographic information system

Berg, A., Servlet-based Google Earth tours, Java World, 2005.

Google, KML Documentation: Samples, Topics, Reference.

NASA, World Wind Java SDK

Nourie, D., Using NASA's World Wind Component in Your Java Technology Applications, Sun, 2007.

BBN, Open Map

Zhou, C., Ludford, P., Frankowski, D., & Terveen, L. An experiment in discovering personally meaningful places from location data. Ext. Abs. ACM Computer Human Interaction (2005), 2029-2032.

McCurley, K. S. Geospatial mapping and navigation of the web. Proc. ACM World Wide Web (2001), 221-229.

Espinoza, F., Persson, P., Sandin, A., Nyström, H., Cacciatore, E., & Bylund, M. GeoNotes: Social and Navigational Aspects of Location-Based Information Systems. Proc. Ubiquitous Computing (2001), 2-17.

Google Earth COM API Documentation

2/7 Location Sensing 1

Hightower, J., & Borriello, G. Location systems for ubiquitous computing. IEEE Computer 34, 8 (2001), 57–66.

Wikipedia, Global Positioning System

Seager, W., & Fraser, D. S. User responses to gps positioning information on a digital map. ACM Computer Human Interaction Workshop: Mobile Spatial Interaction Whitepaper (2007), 28–31.

Benford, S., Seagar, W., Flintham, M., Anastasi, R., Rowland, D., Humble, J., Stanton, D., Bowers, J., Tandavanitj, N., Adams, M., Row-Farr, J., Oldroyd, A., & Sutton, J. The error of our ways: The experience of self-reported positioning in a location-based game. Proc. Ubiquitous Computing (2004).

Zogg, J.M., Essentials of Satellite Navigation - Compendium, 12-17 (basics), 53-57 (understanding error), 57-67 (ellipsoid and geoid, coordinate conversion, projection), 89-99 (NMEA sentences spec excerpt).

2/12 Location-Based Services and Experiences

Benford, S. Future location-based experiences. Tech. Rep. TSW0501, University of Nottingham, 2005.

Kaasinen, E. User needs for location-aware mobile services. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7, 1 (2003), 70-79.

Randell, C. & Muller, H. The Shopping Jacket: Wearable Computing for the Consumer. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 4, 4 (2000), 241-244.

Benford, S., Rowland, D., Flintham, M., Drozd, A., Hull, R., Reid, J., Morrison, J., Facer, K. Life on the edge: Supporting collaboration in location-based experiences. Proc. ACM Computer Human Interaction (2005), 721-730.

Tuan, Y.F., Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience, University of Minnesota Press, 1977, 8-18 (Experiential Perspective), 67-84 (Spatial Ability, Knowledge, and Place).

2/14 Demo: GIS Mashup

2/14 Ubiquitous Computing & Mixed Reality

Weiser, M., & Brown, J.S. The Coming Age of Calm Technology, 1996.

Milgram, P., & Kishino, F. A taxonomy of mixed reality visual displays. IEICE Transactions on Information Systems E77-D, 12 (1994), 1321–1329.

Azuma, R. T. A survey of augmented reality. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 6, 4 (1997), 355–385.

Starner, T., Mann, S., Rhodes, B., Levine, J., Healey, J., Kirsch, D., Picard, R., & Pentland, A. Augmented reality through wearable computing. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 6, 4 (1997), 386–398.

Feiner, S., MacIntyre, B., Hollerer, T., & Webster, A. A touring machine: Prototyping 3D mobile augmented reality systems for exploring the urban environment. IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (1997), 208–217.

Abowd, G. D., & Mynatt, E. D. Charting past, present, and future research in ubiquitous computing. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 7, 1 (2000), 29–58.

3/4 Cultural Theories of Space and Place

electronic reserves

Bird, J., Curtis, B., Putnam, T., Robertson, G., Tickner, L., eds., Mapping the Futures: Local cultures, global change
Chapter 1 3-29, Harvey, D., From space to place and back again: Reflections on the condition of postmodernity.
Chapter 8, 136-150, Dunn P, Leeson, L., The Art of Change in Docklands,

Tuan, Y.F., Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience, University of Minnesota Press, 1977,
C13 Time and Place, 179-198.

Graham, S., Software-sorted Geographies

Institute for Infinitely Small Things, The City Formerly Known as Cambridge

Debord, G., Theory of the Dérive

New Museum, Get Lost: Artists Map Downtown New York

Fluxus, Hi Red Center

3/5 Location-Aware Digital Games

Barkhuus, L., Chalmers, M., Tennent, P., Hall, M., Bell, M., Sherwood, S., Brown, B. Picking pockets on the lawn: The development of tactics and strategies in a mobile game Proc. Ubiquitous Computing (2005), 358-374.

Mansley, K., Scott, D., Tse, A., Madhavapeddy, A. Feedback, latency, accuracy: exploring tradeoffs in location-aware gaming. Proc. ACM SIGCOMM (2004), 93-97.

Mitchell, K., McCaffery, D., Metaxas, G., Finney, J., Schmid, S., & Scott, A. Six in the city: Introducing real tournament - A mobile IPv6 based context-aware multiplayer game. ACM NETGAMES (2003), 91-100.

Björk, S., Falk, J., Hansson, R., & Ljungstrand, P. Pirates! Using the physical world as a game board. Proc. Interact (2001).

Thomas, B., Close, B., Donoghue, J., Squires, J., De Bondi, P., & Piekarski, W. First person indoor/outdoor augmented reality application: ARQuake. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6, 1 (2002), 75-86.

Cheok, A. D., Goh, K. H., Liu, W., Farbiz, F., Fong, S. W., Teo, S. L., Li, Y., & Yang, X. Human Pacman: A mobile, wide-area entertainment system based on physical, social, and ubiquitous computing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8, 2 (2004), 71-81.

3/11 - 3/13 Spring Break

3/18 Presentation: Final Project Proposals

3/25 Qualitative Evaluation Methods - Grounded Theory 1

Charmaz, K., Constructing Grounded Theory, London: Sage, Chapter 2, Gathering Rich Data, 13-41.

Strauss, A., Corbin, J., Basic Qualitative Research, London: Sage, Chapter 3, The Interplay Between Qualitative and Quantitative in Theorizing, 27-34. Chapter 6, Basic Operations: Asking Questions and Making Comparisions, 73-86,

4/1 Quantitative Evaluation Methods

Shah, J.J., Smith, S.M., Vargas-Hernandez, N., Gerkins, D.R., Wulan, M. (2003), Empirical Studies of Design Ideation: Alignment of Design Experiments with Lab Experiments, Proc DETC 2003: ASME 2003 International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology

Kerne, A., Smith, S.M., Koh, E., Choi, H., Graeber, R., An Experimental Method for Measuring the Emergence of New Ideas in Information Discovery, Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), in press.

Maher, M.L., Bilda, Z. and Gül, L.F. (2006). Impact of Collaborative Virtual Environments on Design Behaviour, in JS Gero (ed), Design Computing and Cognition'06, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 305-321.

4/3 Presentations: User Study 1

4/8 Qualitative Evaluation - Grounded Theory 2

Geertz, C., The Interpretation of Culture, New York: Basic Books, 1977, Chapter 1: Thick Description, 3-30.

Charmaz, K., Constructing Grounded Theory, London: Sage, Chapter 3, Coding in Grounded Theory Practice, 42-71.

Strauss, A., Corbin, J., Basic Qualitative Research, London: Sage, Chapter 8, Open Coding, 101-122.

4/10 Site-Specific Performance

Turner, V., The Anthropology of Performance, New York: PAJ Publications, 1987, Chapter 2: Ritual, Drama, Carnival, Film, and Spectacle in Cultural Performance, 21-32.

Bogart, A., Landau, T., The Viewpoints Books, New York: Theater Communications Group, 2005, Chapter 11: Introducing Composition, 137-152

Schechner, R., Between Theater and Anthropology, Philadelphia: U Pennsylvania Press, 1985, Chapter 2: Restoration of Behavior, 35-116.

4/17 Mobile Photos

Naaman, M., Nair, R., Kaplun, V., Photos on the Go: A Mobile Application Case Study, Proc CHI 2008.

Ahern, S., Naaman, M., Nair, R., Yang, J., World Explorer: Visualizing Aggregate Data from Unstructured Text in Geo-Referenced Collections, Proc JCDL 2007.

Rattenbury, T., Good, N, Naaman, M., Towards Automatic Extraction of Event and Place Semantics from Flickr Tags, Proc SIGIR 2007.

Aalto, L., Göthlin, N., Korhonen, J., & Ojala, T. Bluetooth and WAP push based location-aware mobile advertising system, Proc ACM Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services 2004, 49-58.

4/22 More Peformance, Culture, and Art

Bhaba, H., The Location of Culture, New York: Routledge, 1994. Introduction, 1-18.

Bogart, A., Landau, T., The Viewpoints Books, New York: Theater Communications Group, 2005, Chapter 5: Introducing the Individual Viewpoints, 35-64.

Turnbull, David. Maps are Territories: Science is an Atlas. Victoria: Deakin University Press. 1989, 41-49.

Google Maps Mania

Castellanos, C., Information, Meaning and Interaction in Digital Media, 2005.

Schechner, R., Between Theater and Anthropology, Philadelphia: U Pennsylvania Press, 1985, Chapter 4: Ramlila of Ramnagar, 151-212.

Modsching, M., Kramer, R., Gretzel, U. and ten Hagen, K. (2006). Capturing the Beaten Paths: A Novel Method for Analysing Tourists' Spatial Behaviour at an Urban Destination, in Hitz, M. Sigala, M. and J. Murphy (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 75-86. Vienna, Austria: Springer Verlag.

4/24 Presentations: Evaluation


lim/b0 Seamful Design

Chalmers, M., Galani, A. Seamful interweaving: Heterogeneity in the theory and design of interactive systems . Proc. ACM Designing Interactive Systems (2004), 243-252

Benford, S., Crabtree, A., Flintham, M., Drozd, A., Anastasi, R., Paxton, M., Tandavanitj, N., Adams, M., & Row-Farr, J. Can you see me now?. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 13, 1 (2006), 100–133.

lim/b1 Maps & GIS 2

Gao, W., Lee, H. C., & Miao, Y. Geographically focused collaborative crawling. Proc. ACM World Wide Web (2006), 287-296.

Li, H., Srihari, R. K., Niu, C., & Li, W. InfoXtract location normalization: A hybrid approach to geographic references in information extraction. Proc. HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Analysis of Geographic References 1 (2003), 39-44.

designed for mozilla 1+ and ie 6+
an interface ecology lab production