projects gallery

Final project papers and videos from the Spring 2005 Recombinant course.

In this paper, we present new types of buttons, choreographic buttons, and an interactive art application, collage application, to highlight features and abilities of this new type of button. A person’s presence in an environment is often determined by physical action. Emotional presence can be delivered by physical action as well. A person’s movement can convey a specific meaning to other people without using overt lexical expressions such as speech or written language. This is one of various types of interactions that people use in a typical social setting. Choreographic buttons were developed to assign meanings to people actions, and the collage application was programmed to generate interactions between people that are part of a physical environment and an art installation in a virtual environment. This artistic application is based on the idea that physical actions affect the various forms of person’s presence such as physical or emotional presence. In collage application, the actions of jumping and crouching are choreographic buttons used for latching and fast-forwarding, respectively. Additionally, users can understand the meaning expressed in their actions by seeing the changes in the projected display.

In this paper, we describe Censor Chair, an art installation that creates a shared experience addressing forms of censorship including self-censorship, censorship of a group upon an individual, visual and auditory censorship in digital media, and censorship in society. We are taking a playful position in considering relationships between censorship and sensors that monitor physiology. Censor Chair makes use of a galvanic skin response (GSR) sensor, live video feeds, and a barcode reader to drive the presentation of a digital media library.

In this paper, we describe an interactive installation that allows participants to use gesture-based movement to manipulate a recombinant information space consisting of news media. By recombinant information space, we mean a composition of media elements (text and image) from various sources with a navigable, visual representation. The participant experiences a hyperrealistic representation of current events. By a hyperrealistic space, we mean an experiential space in which digital representations take on significance which immerses the participant in a mediated reality. We employ the combinFormation project to retrieve and present semantically significant media elements. The participant interacts with the system by walking in a physical space that is mapped to the information space and gesturing with colored paddles. The system employs Max/MSP, Jitter, and a custom Max/Java patch to process video input, recognize gestures, and relay messages to the combinFormation system. By permitting participants to interact with visual compositions in a kinesthetic manner, the installation physicalizes and socializes the experience of authoring visual compositions with combinFormation. The installation draws audiences through the inherently social aspects of gesture and image. Participants can take turns manipulating the information space, allowing for collective authoring. The goal of our project is to encourage many participants to join together in a social setting to create collective meaning through visual composition.

This paper describes an interactive installation that addresses issues of presence and absence by creating a virtualized representation of the abandoned town, Playas, New Mexico. This town is slated for conversion into an anti-terrorism training facility by New Mexico Tech University in conjunction with the United States Department of Homeland Security. Using the metaphor of the mirage, it functions as a critique of our understanding of “reality.”
designed for mozilla 1+ and ie 6+
an interface ecology lab production