project 1

Implement one or more fluid interaction techniques. Draw from the readings. Directly implement prior techniques, or, even better, conceptualize and build extensions. Fortuitious combinations of techniques are encouraged.

Choose one or a combination of hardware interaction modalities from possibilities that include multi-touch and stylus. We will have at least 2 ZeroTouch devices in addition to intangibleCanvas, the 3M multi-touch, the M2ICODE, iPhones, iPads, at least one Cintiq, and the stylus-based Lenovo tablet/laptop (low power Core Duo).

Program in WPF, Cocoa, and/or Core Animation.

Criteria for evaluation:

Accompany your prototype with a short statement of what you intended to accomplish, why, what you did accomplish, and again, why. Turn in the statement as print out, plus runnable code + source on a DVD. Demo in class.

an interface ecology lab production