
hyun choi
Ph.D. Candidate, Psycology

I was born and raised in Kwang-ju, Korea. After graduating high school, I left home for a higher education. I graduated from Hankuk University of Forein Studies (Seoul, Korea) where I had studied laws, and I served in the Korean military for about 2 years. I crossed the Pacific Ocean to study psychology in the Fall of 1996. I obtained my second bachelor's degree at Southwest State University (Marshall, Minnesota) and a master's degree in experimental psychology at Central Michigan University (Mt. Pleasant, Michigan). I came to Texas A&M University in 2000 and have since been actively involved in research on memory blocking and recovery, false memory, tip-of-the-tongue states, and creative cognition under the auspices of Dr. Steve Smith.

My research interests are primarily in (but not limited to) human memory and metacognition. My other interests include creative cognition, problem-solving, and language. I intend to pursue an eclectic approach to studying human cognition via interdisciplinary research bridging between psychology and various areas such as engineering, business, computer science, arts, linguistics, literature and education.