s.im.pl oodss:
public chat tutorial [java]


This example demonstrates how to use the OODSS library to send asynchronous requests to clients. The functionality allows the server to notify clients of changes at any point, without an initiating request from the client. The Public Chat Service operates by updating clients with new content upon reception of new messages from other clients. If you haven't read through the simpler History Echo Tutorial we encourage you to read through it before reading this tutorial.

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The source for this tutorial is in a project located under /simplTutorials/trunk/

Chat Request

We will first show the implementation of the single request message in the public chat service. ChatRequest is the message that is initially sent from the client to indicate the posting of a new message to the chat service. The ChatRequest message only contains the message being posted, stored as a String instance variable, and passed in XML as an attribute.

After receiving the request message, the OODSS server automatically calls the performService method callback of ChatRequest. In this callback the server accesses a map of all of the current sessions running on the server as well as it's own session. This map and session are automatically stored in the Application Scope by the OODSS framework. The server then forms an update message with information about the originating client and the received message. The server then loops through all of the currently connected clients and sends an update with the message to every client except the originating one. The server then responds with an OkMessage (a standard message defined within the OODSS library) to indicate that the message was received.

public class ChatRequest extends RequestMessage
   * The message being posted.
  String                  message;

   * Constructor used on server. Fields populated automatically by
   * s.im.pl serialization
  public ChatRequest()

   * Constructor used on client.
   @param newEcho
   *           a String that will be passed to the server to broadcast
   * */
  public ChatRequest(String message)
    this.message = message;

   * Called automatically by LSDCS on server
  public ResponseMessage performService(Scope cSScope)
     * Get all of the handles for the sessions currently connected to the
     * server
    HashMap<Object, SessionHandle> sessionHandleMap = (HashMap<Object, SessionHandle>cSScope

     * Get this client's SessionHandle
    SessionHandle mySessionHandle = (SessionHandlecSScope

     * Form a update message to send out to all of the
     * other clients.
    ChatUpdate messageUpdate = new ChatUpdate(message, mySessionHandle);

     * Loop through the other sessions.
    for (SessionHandle otherClientHandle : sessionHandleMap.values())
       * If this isn't me then send them an update.
      if (!mySessionHandle.equals(otherClientHandle))

     * Send back a response confirming that we got the request 
    return OkResponse.reusableInstance;

  public boolean isDisposable()
    return true;
Update Message

We now define the update message that is sent to clients to indicate that another client has posted a message to the chat service. Update messages are messages that are sent from the server to client without being specifically requested. Updates do not require that the client respond, if further action is necessary on the part of the client, then it may initiate a new request. Updates must extend the UpdateMessage class.

Our update contains the string representing the message being posted, a string representing the poster's ip address, and the poster's port number. Upon reception, the client calls the processUpdate callback that ChatUpdate overrides from the abstract UpdateMessage class. In this example, the client accesses the application scope to access a listener for chat updates, and then informs that listener that it has been recieved. The listener is simply a class that implements the ChatUpdateListener interface that has registered itself with the application scope to recieve updates when ChatUpdates are recieved. You'll notice in the Client Instatiation section that our client registers itself in the application scope as the CHAT_UPDATE_LISTENER.

public interface ChatUpdateListener
  public final static String CHAT_UPDATE_LISTENER = "CHAT_UPDATE_LISTENER";
  void recievedUpdate(ChatUpdate response);
public class ChatUpdate extends UpdateMessage
  private String  message;

  private String  host;

  private int    port;

   * Constructor used on client. Fields populated automatically by
   * s.im.pl serialization
  public ChatUpdate()

   * Constructor used on server
   @param message
   *           the chat message
   @param handle
   *           handle of originating client
  public ChatUpdate(String message, SessionHandle handle)
    this.message = message;
    this.host = handle.getInetAddress().toString();
    this.port = handle.getPortNumber();

   * Called automatically by OODSS on client
  public void processUpdate(Scope appObjScope)
    /* get the chat listener */
    ChatUpdateListener listener = (ChatUpdateListenerappObjScope

    /* report incoming update */

  public String getMessage()
    return message;

  public String getHost()
    return host;

  public int getPort()
    return port;
Server Instantiation

We now present the initialization of an instance of DoubleThreadedNIOServer to run our service. This is done in the same way as in the History Echo Tutorial . The implementation for the utility class: ChatTranslations is also given.

public class ChatTranslations
  public final static String  TRANSLATION_SPACE_NAME  = "ChatTranslations";

  public static TranslationScope get()
    return TranslationScope.get(TRANSLATION_SPACE_NAME,
        DefaultServicesTranslations.get(), ChatRequest.class,
public class PublicChatServer
  private static final int  idleTimeout  = -1;
  private static final int  MTU      = 40000;

  public static void main(String[] argsthrows IOException
     * get base translations with static accessor
    TranslationScope publicChatTranslations = ChatTranslations.get();

     * Creates a scope for the server to use as an application scope as well
     * as individual client session scopes.
    Scope applicationScope = new Scope();

    /* Acquire an array of all local ip-addresses */
    InetAddress[] locals = NetTools.getAllInetAddressesForLocalhost();

     * Create the server and start the server so that it can accept incoming
     * connections.
    DoubleThreadedNIOServer historyServer = DoubleThreadedNIOServer
        .getInstance(2108, locals, publicChatTranslations,
            applicationScope, idleTimeout, MTU);
Client Instantiation

We now give the implementation for the client (shown to the right), which implements the ChatUpdateListener interface so it is able to recieve notifications of incoming chat updates. Note that in the constructor the class registers itself as the CHAT_UPDATE_LISTENER with the application scope. The client is implemented as a simple swing window that allows the user to read their previous messages along with new messages being posted to the service.

When the user presses the Send Message button the actionPerformed method is invoked. Here we instantiate a new ChatRequest message and send it to the server to post the message. When an update is recieved the recievedUpdate callback is invoked. The client then simply updates the text area to reflect the new message.

ChatClientWindow's main method sets up a regular NIOClient with the ChatTranslations translation scope, and initializes an in instance of the window.

public class ChatClientWindow extends JFrame implements ChatUpdateListener,
    ActionListener, WindowListener
  public static String  serverAddress  = "localhost";

  public static int    portNumber    = 2108;

  private JTextArea    echoArea;

  private JTextField  entryField;

  private NIOClient    client;

  public ChatClientWindow(NIOClient client, Scope scope)
     * Set the window as the listener for chat updates in the application
     * scope. This ensures that recievedUpdate will be called when incoming
     * updates are recieved.
    scope.put(ChatUpdateListener.CHAT_UPDATE_LISTENER, this);

     * Store the client instance so that we can send messages later.
    this.client = client;

     * Set's up the swing interface and add's this as an ActionListener to
     * the Send Message button.

  public void recievedUpdate(ChatUpdate response)
     * We received an chat update message so we post the message in the text
     * area.
    echoArea.insert(response.getHost() ":" + response.getPort() "->"
        + response.getMessage() "\n\n"0);

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    /* send message button pushed */
    String message = entryField.getText();
    ChatRequest request = new ChatRequest(message);

       * Send request to post message to chat server.

       * Update personal text area to reflect sent message.
      echoArea.insert("---------me------->" + message + "\n\n"0);
    catch (MessageTooLargeException e1)
      System.err.println("Failed to send message because it was too large: "
          + entryField.getText());

  public static void main(String[] argsthrows IOException
     * Get chat translations with static accessor
    TranslationScope publicChatTranslations = ChatTranslations.get();

    Scope clientScope = new Scope();

    NIOClient client = new NIOClient(serverAddress, portNumber,
        publicChatTranslations, clientScope);

     * Enable compression and connect the client to the server.

     * If the client connects, start chat window to run the application. Pass
     * in client and clientScope instance.
    if (client.connected())
      ChatClientWindow window = new ChatClientWindow(client, clientScope);

  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
     * disconnect and close
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