final project

Develop and evaluate a fluid information application to establish how fluid techniques can support sensemaking or information discovery.

Identify an interesting large collection (100 - 10,000) of semantic media objects to work with. Use meta-metadata to acquire a collection of these semantic media objects, which you can de/serialize with XML or JSON. (The program to acquire the collection will be written in Java; using S.IM.Pl's cross-language bindings, the ones that use it can be written in C#.)

Contextualize your curatorial choice of collection with one or more meaningful sensemaking and/or information discovery tasks and user populations. Define the task to be performed by an individual or a group. Consider its duration and scope, and how you will recruit actual people to perform it.

Develop, extend, recontextualize, and invent fluid techniques to develop interaction, visualization, and presentation methods for users to engage with the collection to perform the tasks. Choose one or more interaction modalities to support. The choice of ZeroTouch is strongly encouraged, as is the choice of WPF as graphics toolkit.

Design and conduct user studies and analyze data to validate that your interaction and presentation methods are effective. Form hypotheses, and use the studies to prove them. Write and publish a paper.

Work individually, or form a team, as you see fit.

evaluation criteria:
  • Concept - innovation and research contribution (intellectual merit).
  • Solid prior work exposition and analysis; understanding and integration of existing methods.
  • Relationships between what you build and your goals and intentions.
  • Iterative design process and incorporation of feedback.
  • System must work extremely well, early in the cycle, so that it can be used intensively in user studies.
  • Strength of hypotheses formed and connections between development, studies, and validation of hypotheses.
  • Evaluation -- Define scenarios and tasks carefully. Collect meaningful data. Who are the users? What realistic tasks will they perform? This must strongly influence your project definition.
  • Presentation.
  • Writing.

due tuesday 3/8 proposal