Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Microsoft Developer's Network documentation for WPF.
XAML Overview
Microsoft Developer's Network overview documentation for XAML.
XML 1.0 Specification
XML (eXtenbislbe Markup Language) is a generalized means for creating tree-structured vocabularies. Produced and maintained by the World Wide Web Consourtium (aka the W3C), an international standards body.
Fonts in WPF
Microsoft Developer's Network documentation for fonts in WPF. Describes features of OpenType fonts and how to package fonts with an application.
The WPF Layout System
Microsoft Developer's Network documentation for the layout system used by WPF. Describes important properties and methods for controlling layout in WPF applications.
WPF Panels Overview
An overview of panels - components that control the size, dimensions, position, and arrangement of child content in WPF.
Animation Overview
An overview of animation in WPF.
WPF event handling
Microsoft Developer's Network documentation for events in WPF. Describes how events are invoked, routed, and handled in WPF, important for developing interactive systems.
WPF XAML Browser Application (XBAP)
Contains an explanation of what XBAPs are and how to build them.
Windows Presentation Foundation Security
Microsoft Developer's Network documentation explaining security and user permissions in WPF.
Styling and Templating
Microsoft Developer's Network documentation for detailing how designers can adjust the appearance of and interaction with components.
Drag and Drop an Object on a Canvas Sample
An example of how to make children of a Canvas object support drag and drop for translation.
RSS reader written in XAML
Describes how to create an RSS reader written entirely in XAML. Highlights to capabilities of XAML to define information sources and tie these sources to visualization.