Research is a pool for self-motivated inquiry. As professor, advisor, and PI, I provide intellectual, emotional, and supervisory support. The goal for Research is that you and I collaborate to create new knowledge and get recognized. Products, beyond those outlined below, include external publications and theses.
As the professor, part of my responsibility is to direct the process. This includes:
- Fostering the development of research concepts.
- Ensuring that we contextualize our concepts vis-a-vis prior work.
- Helping you form a realistic and achievable plan, given time constraints.
- Encouraging and pushing.
Students registered for Research have the following responsibilities and deliverables. Each of these must be submitted in written form and presented orally.
- First week of class each semester: submit project plan (a time line of connected deliverables+dates), including conceptual, software and hardware development milestones, studies to be performed, references to read, and conferences to submit results to. Negotiate with me, until we reach consensus. The semester plan is a blueprint, which can be revised.
- Mid term report: during the 6th or 7th week of the semester. This includes a write-up of what has been accomplished so far, which should include an unusually long and detailed future work section. This paper is a first draft of the Final Report. Also present a revised project plan.
- Final report. This consists of a research paper on the work accomplished, in a form suitable for publication. Except in the case of graduating students, it should also include a plan for future work.
Thesis students should clearly express how the work to be undertaken will contribute to thesis deliverables.
It is the student's responsibility (and not the professor's!) to consider and develop these deliverables on time. Note: failure to do this is likely to result in an unsatisfactory grade.