- Name Tag
Teach me your name! Make yourself a big, easy-to-read name tag, like the example.
Due immediately. Always bring to class! - Blog Post
The make-up assignment if you miss class. Summarize each reading. Synthesize connections among them.
- Experience Breakdown
Learn fundamental principles of user interface design and how to articulate them to critique real world examples.
Most of the semester will consist of an extended interactive experience design and development project, in which you work in a team to perform the kind of iterative design process that characterizes user experience development and the field of HCI. While this is a team project, a few deliverables will be performed individually. As part of this, you and your peers will assess team members contributions to the project as a whole. These assessments may affect your grades.
- Concept Brainstorm
Generate open-ended, creative yet practical new ideas for your semester-long project sequence. Innovate! Do research about supporting technologies.
- Semester Project Proposal
Get together with your team. Choose the most exciting and yet doable project concept. Motivate the project. Make a practical project plan. Take timing and your collective skillset into account.
- IRB Certification
Learn what ethical research is and certify that you will conduct your research in this way. Key concepts include consent and confidentiality.
- Requirements
Perform your first user study in order to gather and analyze data about user needs corresponding to your (evolving) project concept. Learn how to use requirements, personas, and scenarios to structure your user needs data toward designing and building your project..
- Low-Fidelity Prototype
Create a "paper prototype" to work out information and interaction design issues to meet user needs and fulfilll requiements, without the time commitment of coding and debugging.
- User Study Low-Fidelity
Gather and analyze data from users in order to find and address bugs in your Low-Fidelity Prototpye and to otherwise improve the design.
- Functional Prototype
Realize your concept. Use understandings from your study. Develop code to create a minimum-viable project implementation of yout Low-Fidelity Protype. Likely technologies inlcude HTML5, including CSS and JavaScript. Many projects will use databases and middle-tier web server code. Some will avoid this by using HTML5 Local Storage to keep state in the browser. A rare few, with instructor approval, may use other technologies.
- User Study Functional
Gather and analyze data from users in order to find and address bugs in your Functional Prototpye and to otherwise improve the design.
- Final Presentation
Make a final implementation that advances your prototype. Show off to the class. Begin stating lessons learned.
- Final Paper
Write up your results to make a coherent statement that shows how you iteratively gathered data to understand users, developed designs, and built implementations, in order to realize a meaningful, innovative project concept.