java resources

Ecologylab Libraries

To use the SVN access (which provides the absolute latest version of all the code), you will need to install the Subclipse plugin. You will then use the following URLs with username and password anonymous; you should "Checkout..." the trunk for each project from Eclipse:

Development Tools

Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 6.x Development Kit.

Download the J2SE Software Development Kit (JDK 6 Update 16 with nothing else), to enable Java development on your machine.


The Eclipse IDE is an excellent open source software environment for Java development. It supports syntax-driven features such as refactoring, reference and declaration finding, method name auto-completion, and inline javadoc referencing. Get the version for Java developers.

Java SDK, Standard Edition Documentation

Includes links to all relevant documents for development tools, api, core technologies, and platform architecture.

Java Language

Gosling, J., Joy, B., Steele, G., Bracha, G.
Java language Specification, 3rd Edition

One of the most readable language specifications ever written. A must read for the serious Java programmer.

The Java tutorial

An illustrated series of how-to-code examples and explanations.

Learning the Java Language

A subsection of The Java Tutorial which focuses on core language concepts; object oriented programming concepts, language syntax, control flow, object lifecycle, and basic data types are covered in detail with plenty of examples.

How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool

JavaDoc comments are comments intended to be extracted from source code, to provide API documentation. The javadoc tool does this. For example, the Java API documentation (see below) is generated in this way. You also need to use JavaDoc to document your own programs. This document discusses aesthetic and functional approaches to writing JavaDoc comments. It also describes all the special syntax involved.

Java API

Java API Documentation

Java programmers keep this on tap for details about classes and methods. Eclipse uses this to provide documentation in the context of your code development.

Essential Java Classes

Coveres core Java class libraries including I/O operations, threads and error handling.


Amy Fowler Swing Architecture Overview

A must read article that explains how Swing works, it covers Swing design goals, separable model architecture, and pluggable look and feel.

The Java Swing Tutorial

The best place to start learning about Graphical User Interface Programming with Java. It provides lots of great information illustrated with easy to follow examples and nice pictures.

Visual Guide to Swing Components

Pictures of all the swing components in action, each picture links to documentation and examples dealing with that component.

Visual Guide to Layout Managers

This is similar to the visual guide to swing components, but instead shows examples of how the various layout managers work.

Tutorial: Writing Event Handlers

Covers, in great detail, how to write event listeners and provides information on all the events various components can generate.


Java Sound Programmers' Guide

Java Sound Resources: Examples: Audio Playback and Recording

MP3 SPI Documentation: how to play MP3s using JavaSound and the JavaZoom MP3 SPI; also, how and what data can be manually extracted (much of this is already handled by the provided library code)

MP3 SPI for Java Sound: allows JavaSound to playback MP3s; these libraries are included in the other course libraries (ecologylabAudio)

Applet Signing

To generate a "test certificate," use the command:

keytool -genkey -alias "my_name" -keypass "my_password"

To sign your jar, use the command:

jarsigner my_project.jar my_name