s.im.pl serialization tutorial
java polymorphic

Getting Started:

Here we give an example of using poly-morphic collections with s.im.pl serialization. In this example we will use GameData as our case study. There are situations when building multi-player games the client and the server needs to communicated with each other by transferring game data from client to server and vice versa. We will show here how to annotate java class which has poly-morphic collections.

To view this tutorial you will need to download the entire simplTutorials, simplTranslators and ecologylabFundamental projects. Access to the ecologylab fundamental project source is available through anonymous SVN access (user: anonymous, password: anonymous).

The source for this tutorial is located under /trunk/simplTutorials/trunk/src/tutorials/

Java Annotated Classes

Below is a set of annotated Java classes similar to the one presented in the Java "getting started" tutorial. The major difference is that we are now working with polymorphic collections.

Below is a code excerpt from game data which defines fields we want to translate as attributes of game data in an XML file.

public class GameData<G extends Goal, T extends Threat> extends
  protected long                                timestamp;

  /** Number of game cycles remaining. */
  protected int                                cycRem;

   * Indicates that, if the game is running, it should be paused; by default, the game starts this
   * way and a user needs to activate it.
  protected boolean                              paused  = false;

  protected boolean                              loaded  = false;

Below we annotate further GameData with some more attributes and a polymorphic collections of "threats". This array list can hold threat objects and subclasses of threats.

   * Game state flag indicating that the game is currently executing play cycles.
  protected boolean                              running                  = false;

  /** Game state flag indicating that the players have won the game. */
  protected boolean                              won                      = false;

  /** List of Threat objects. */
  Threat.class, SingleSeekerThreat.class, OrbitingThreat.class, RepellableThreat.class,
      PatrollingThreat.class })
  protected ArrayList<T>                    threats                  = new ArrayList<T>();

  protected double                              score                    = 0;

  /** No-argument constructor, required for ElementState. */
  public GameData()

Here we also annotate a threat class which itself does not hold any attributes. However, some attributes are derived from the "Targetter" class. We do not present the "Targetter" class here for simplicity.

public class Threat extends Targetter
   * No-argument constructor, required for ElementState.
  public Threat()

Here we derive the "Threat" class to "OrbitingThreat" class. It does not define any new new attributes but it defines a new tag "ot" as a class attribute.

public class OrbitingThreat extends Threat
  /** Constructor stub for XML translation. */
  public OrbitingThreat()
Creating Translation Scope

Here we show how to create a translation scope by providing the translation scope class with the set of classes the xml file will bind to.

   * Creating Translation Scope of all the classes used by game data object
  private static TranslationScope get()

    TranslationScope tScope = TranslationScope.get("gamedata", GameData.class,
        Threat.class, SingleSeekerThreat.class, OrbitingThreat.class, RepellableThreat.class,
        PatrollingThreat.class, SeekerAvatar.class, LocationAwareSeekerAvatar.class,
        Targetter.class, Mover.class, Entity.class, ColState.class);
    return tScope;

In the code below we de-serialize a sample XML file containing game data. We call the static function on ElementState class, "translateFromXML" and provide the file path of the sample file.

We again serialize the GameData object and verify the produced XML file is the same as we supplied as input.

Serialization & Deserialization

       * Get translation scope
      TranslationScope tScope = get();
      String fileData = readFileAsStringFile("src/tutorials/polymorphic/GameData.xml");
       * Translating back from sample gameData file
      GameData<?> gd = (GameData<?>tScope.deserializeCharSequence(fileData);
       * Translating the game data back to XML 
      gd.serialize(new File("ecologylab/tutorials/polymorphic/output.xml"));
      //Again to console
    catch (Exception e
Game Data XML File

Below is the sample XML file we have used as our GameData. We can see that there are three different types of threats. Which are subclasses of "Threat" and belongs to the same collection

<game_data timestamp="1234399958508" cyc_rem="8078" loaded="true"
	running="true" score="-28.066665835678577">
		<nt t_val="-1.0" id="_t12" ord="12">
			<dir x="-1" y="-0.09" />
			<vel x="-2.88" y="-0.26" />
			<pos x="171.46" y="904.72" />
		<ot t_val="-1.0" id="_t13" ord="13">
			<dir x="0.4" y="-0.92" />
			<vel x="0.24" y="-0.38" />
			<pos x="925.46" y="114.26" />
		<ot t_val="-1.0" id="_t14" ord="14">
			<dir x="0.82" y="-0.58" />
			<vel x="0.78" y="-0.58" />
			<pos x="88.1" y="542.74" />
		<ot t_val="-1.0" id="_t15" ord="15">
			<dir x="0.94" y="-0.35" />
			<vel x="1.87" y="-0.62" />
			<pos x="530.98" y="549.86" />
		<pt t_val="-1.0" id="_t16" ord="16">
			<dir x="0.98" y="0.21" />
			<vel x="2.02" y="0.46" />
			<pos x="580.81" y="702.55" />
		<pt t_val="-1.0" id="_t17" ord="17">
			<dir x="-0.99" y="-0.1" />
			<vel x="-2.37" y="-0.24" />
			<pos x="122.95" y="900.95" />
		<pt t_val="-5.300337003285493" id="_t18" ord="18">
			<dir x="-0.81" y="-0.59" />
			<vel x="-1.22" y="-0.77" />
			<pos x="334.58" y="734.4" />
		<pt t_val="-1.0" id="_t19" ord="19">
			<dir x="-1" y="-0.04" />
			<vel x="-2.43" y="-0.14" />
			<pos x="863.92" y="750.44" />
End notes

So that's it! We have successfully serialized and deserialized polymorphic collections in java.

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