information visualization
Presentations of information can respond dynamically to human interaction. To work in these terms requires:

reading: visual information seeking - tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays
[Christopher Ahlberg and Ben Shneiderman]
Proc ACM CHI 1994, 313-317.

This paper offers new principles for visual information seeking (VIS). A key concept is to support browsing, which is distinguished from familiar query composition and information retrieval because of its emphasis on rapid filtering to reduce result sets, progressive refinement of search parameters, continuous reformulation of goals, and visual scanning to identify results. VIS principles developed include: dynamic query filters (query parameters are rapidly adjusted with sliders, buttons, maps, etc.), starfield displays (two-dimensional scatterplots to structure tesult sets and zooming to reduce clutter), and tight coupling (interrelating query components to preserve display invariants and support progressive refinement combined with an emphasis on using search output to foster search input). A FilmFinder prototype using a movie database demonstrates these principles in a VIS environment.

reading: data visualization sliders [Stephen G. Eick]
Proc ACM UIST 1994, 119-120.

Comuter sliders are a generic user input mechanism for specifying a numeric value from a range. For data visualization, the effectiveness of sliders may be increased by using the space inside the slider as an interactive color scale, a barplot for discrete data, and a density plot for continuous data.The idea is to show the selected values in relation to the data and its distribution. Furthermore, the selection mechanism may be generalized using a painting metaphor to specify arbitrary, disconnected intervals while maintaining an intuitive user-interface.

reading: Enhanced dynamic queries via movable filters
[Ken Fishkin and Maureen C. Stone]
Proc ACM CHI 1995, 415-420.

Traditional database query systems allow users to construct complicated database queries from specialized database language primitives. While powerful and expressive, such systems are not easy to use, especially for browsing or exploring the data. Information visualization systems address this problem by providing graphical presentations of the data and direct manipulation tools for exploring the data. Recent work has reported the value of dynamic queries coupled with two-dimensional data representations for progressive refinement of user queries. However, the queries generated by these systems are limited to conjunctions of global ranges of parameter values. In this paper, we extend dynamic queries by encoding each operand of the query as a Magic Lens filter. Compound queries can be constructed by overlapping the lenses. Each lens includes a slider and a set of buttons to control the value of the filter function and to define the composition operation generated by overlapping the lenses. We demonstrate a system that supports multiple, simultaneous, general, real-valued queries on databases with incomplete data, while maintaining the simple visual interface of dynamic query systems.

example : news map
[Marcos Weskamp]

Newsmap depicts the permanently changing map of Google news. The treemaps visualization algorithm of Shneiderman and Wattenberg is employed. The visualization gives users a quick overview of breaking international news, in which the area of a topic dennotes the number of stories devoted to it. Stories can be filtered by country or origin, news category, and recency.

example : map of the market
[Martin Wattenberg]

A 2-dimensional visualization method, capable of presenting detailed information on hundreds of items while emphasizing overall patterns in the data. This display method, which builds on Shneiderman's treemap technique, makes use of both hierarchy and similarity information. We have implemented this display in the SmartMoney Map of the Market, a web page that reports current data on

reading: Ben Shneiderman, A History of Treemap Research,

An account of versions of the treemap algorithm, including what they were applied to, who developed them, and when. With links to relevant technical articles that detail how the algorithms work.

example : Apartment
[Marek Walczak and Martin Wattenberg]

A project where people build virtual spaces to live in; where your words build worlds, and sentence structure lays the foundation of the Apartment. The apartments people have built are available as a collection, which functions as a social space.

example: TextArc [Brad Paley]

Uses a self-organizing map algorithm to create visualizations of large texts, such as Hamlet. The visualization gives insight's into the text's structure, based on the frequency of words, and their locations within it.