interface ecosystems

An interface ecosystem involves:
  • the dynamic interactions of media, cultures, and disciplines, the border zones through which these interactions occur, the voices represented, and the hybrid forms that emerge;
  • the roles of human beings and cyborg components -- such as corporations, markets, information artifacts, semiotic codes, telecommunications networks, computers, and presentation media -- and the flows which connect them;
  • the technological, socio-cultural, political, and economic processes which define, circulate, transform and accumulate sign values, and the concomitant significant behaviors through which people manipulate and are manipulated by signs.

  • An interface is a border zone where systems of representation come into contact. It is a membrane, regulating the exchange of vital messages from one side to the other. The more open the membrane, the more flow, the more new combinations that an interface supports. Particular membrane structures can act as filters, tuning feedback loops.

    reading: process of making work
    [Andruid Kerne]
    Concept-Context-Design: A Creative Model for the Development of Interactivity, Proc ACM Creativity and Cognition 2002, 192-199.

    Synthesizes disciplinary perspectives in developing a process for creating interactive information artifacts.