Memes and Design


Found Objects

Memes work as found objects, or their metadata can hold different significance to an individual based on that indivdual's prior knowledge of the context of the object. Like Duchamp's "Fountain" the images on the page hold next to know artistic value on their own merit. They only hold humor, or value, based on the value an individual assigns to them. If I, as an individual, knew nothing of "Game of Thrones" or "A Song of Ice and Fire" the images on the page would not hold as much value to me as someone who did have that knowledge. Metadata allows desginers to give deeper meaning to objects withouth the use of complex or lengthy explanations. Often times other elements from other concepts in culture are applied (Remix Culture) so an understanding of the source material may not be suffiecient to fully understand the creator intent

Hover over the images to learn more!