publications + exhibits
Jain, A., Kerne, A., Lupfer, N., Britain, G., Perrine, A., Choe, Y., Keyser, J., Huang, R.
Recognizing Creative Visual Design: Multiscale Design Characteristics in Free-Form Web Curation Documents,
Proc. ACM DocEng 2021, 1-10 [33%].
Best Paper Nominee, Best Student Paper Nominee.
Britain, G., Jain, A., Lupfer, N., Kerne, A., Perrine, A., Seo, J., Sungkajun, A.
Design is (A)live: An Environment Integrating Ideation and Assessment,
Proc. ACM CHI 2020 Late-Breaking Work, 1-8 [41.8%].
Lupfer, N., Kerne, A., Linder, R., Fowler, H., Rajanna, V., Carrasco, M., Valdez, A.
Multiscale Design Curation: Supporting Computer Science Students' Iterative and Reflective Creative Processes,
Proc. ACM Creativity & Cognition 2019, 233-245 [30%].
Webb, A. M., Fowler, H., Kerne, A., Newman, G., Kim, J.-H., Mackay, W. E.
Interstices: Sustained Spatial Relationships between Hands and Surfaces Reveal Anticipated Action,
Proc. of ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019, Glasgow, UK.
Lupfer, N., Fowler, H., Valdez, A., Webb, A., Merrill, J., Newman, G., Kerne, A.
Multiscale Design Strategies from a Landscape Architecture Classroom,
Proc. ACM DIS 2018, 1081-1093 [25%].
Hamilton, W. A., Lupfer, N., Botello, N., Tesch, T., Stacy, A., Merrill, J., Williford, B., Bentley, F. R., Kerne, A.
Collaborative Live Media Curation: Shared Context for Participation in Online Learning,
Proc. ACM CHI 2018, paper 555 : 14 pages [26%].
Wuertz, J., Alharthi, S., Hamilton, W. A., Bateman, S., Gutwin, C., Tang, A., Toups Dugas, P. O., Hammer, J.
A Design Framework for Awareness Cues in Distributed Multiplayer Games,
Proc. ACM CHI 2018 [26%].
Kerne, A., Lupfer, N., Linder R., Qu, Y., Valdez, A., Jain, A., Keith, K., Carrasco, M., Vanegas, J., Billingsley, A.,
Strategies of Free-form Web Curation: Processes of Creative Engagement with Prior Work,
Proc. ACM Creativity & Cognition 2017, 380-392 [29%].
Lupfer, N., Kerne, A., Webb, A.M., Linder R.,
Patterns of Free-form Curation: Visual Thinking with Web Content,
Proc. ACM Multimedia 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 12-21 [20%].
Best Paper Nominee (top 2%).
Webb, A.M., Wang, C., Kerne, A., Cesar, P.,
Distributed Liveness: Understanding How New Technologies Transform Performance Experiences,
Proc. ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2016, 432-437 [25%].
Webb, A.M., Kerne, A., Brown, Z., Kim, J.H., Kellogg, E.,
LayerFish: Bimanual Layering with a Fisheye In-Place,
Proc. ACM Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS) 2016, Niagara Falls, Canada [28%].
Webb, A.M., Kerne, A., Linder, R., Lupfer, N, Qu, Y., Keith, K., Carrasco, M., Chen, Y.,
A Free-form Medium for Curating the Digital,in England, D., Schiphorst, T., Bryan-Kinns, N. eds.
Curating the Digital Space for Art and Interaction, Springer, 2016, 73-87.
Sharma, H.N., Toups Dugas, P. O., Dolgov, I., Kerne, A., Jain, A.,
Evaluating Display Modalities Using a Mixed Reality Game,
Proc. ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY) 2016, 65-77 [29%].
Webb, A.M., Pahud, M., Hinckley, K., Buxton, B.,
Wearables as Context for Guiard-abiding Bimanual Touch,
Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2016, Tokyo, Japan [20.6%].
Hamilton, W.A., Tang, J.C., Venolia, G., Inkpen, K., Zillner, J., Huang, D.,
Rivulet: Exploring Participation in Live Events through Multi-Stream Experiences,
Proc. ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online (TVX) Video 2016, 31-42.
Best Paper Award.
Jain, A., Lupfer, N., Qu, Y., Linder, R., Kerne, A., Smith, S.M.,
Evaluating TweetBubble with Ideation Metrics of Exploratory Browsing,
Proc. ACM Creativity and Cognition 2015, 178-187 [28%].
Best Paper Honorable Mention (top 2%).
Linder, R., Lupfer, N., Kerne, A., Webb, A. M., Hill, C., Qu, Y., Keith, K., Carrasco M., Kellogg, E.
Beyond Slideware: How a Free-form Presentation Medium Stimulates Free-form Thinking in the Classroom,
Proc. ACM Creativity and Cognition 2015, 285-294 [28%].
Wilkins, J., Järvi, J., Jain, A., Kejriwal, G., Kerne, A., Kumar, V.,
EvolutionWorks: Towards Improved Visualization of Citation Networks,
Proc. IFIP International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (INTERACT) 2015, 213-230 [29.9%].
Lupfer, N., Hamiliton, W. Webb, A., Linder, R., Edmonds, E., and Kerne, A.,
The Art.CHI Gallery: An Embodied Iterative Curation Experience,
Interactivity Exhibit,
Proc CHI 2015 EA.
Toups Dugas, P. O., Hammer, J., Hamilton, W., Jarrah, A., Graves, W., and Garretson, O.
A Framework for Cooperative Communication Game Mechanics from Grounded Theory,
Proc CHI PLAY 2014,
Kerne, A., Webb, A.M., Smith, S.M., Linder, R., Lupfer, N., Qu, Y., Moeller, J., Damaraju, S.,
Using Metrics of Curation to Evaluate Information-based Ideation,
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI),
21(3), June 2014, 48 pages.
reader's guide
Qu, Y., Kerne, A., Lupfer, N., Linder, R., Jain, A.,
Metadata Type System: Integrate Presentation, Data Models and Extraction to Enable Exploratory Browsing Interfaces,
Proc. ACM Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS) 2014, 107-116 [18%].
Webb, A.M., Kerne, A., Linder, R., Lupfer, N., Qu, Y., Keith, K., Carrasco, M.,
Multi-Scale Information Composition: a New Medium for Freeform Art Curation in the Cloud,
CHI 2014 Workshop: Curating the Digital: Spaces for Art and Interaction, Toronto, Canada.
[information composition]
Fischer, J.E., Jiang, W., Kerne, A., Greenhalgh, C., Ramchurn, S.D., Reece,S., Pantidi, N., Rodden, T.,
Supporting Team Coordination on the Ground: Requirements from a Mixed-Reality Game,
Proc. Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP) 2014, 49-67 [42%].
Fei, S., Webb, A.M., Kerne, A., Qu, Y., and Jain, A.,
Peripheral Array of Tangible NFC Tags: Positioning Portals for Embodied Trans-Surface Interaction,
Proc. ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2013, 33-36.
Webb, A.M., Linder, R., Kerne, A., Lupfer, N., Qu, Y., Poffenberger, B., and Revia, C.,
Promoting Reflection and Interpretation in Education: Curating Rich Bookmarks as Information Composition,
Proc. Creativity and Cognition 2013, 53-62 [32%].
Kerne, A., Latulipe, C., Drucker, S.M., Candy, L., Höök, K., Webb, A.M., and Carroll, E.
Evaluation methods for creativity support environments,
Proc CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts, 3295-3298.
Damaraju, S., Seo, J.H., Hammond, T., Kerne, A.,
Multi-tap sliders: advancing touch interaction for parameter adjustment,
Proc IUI 2013, 445-452 [22%].
Moeller, J., Lupfer, N., Hamilton, B., Lin, H., Kerne, A.,
intangibleCanvas: Free-Air Finger Painting on a Projected Canvas ,
Proc CHI 2011 EA, 1165-1170 [46%].
Kerne, A., Qu, Y., Webb, A.M., Damaraju, S., Lupfer, N., Mathur, A.
Meta-Metadata: A Metadata Semantics Language for Collection Representation Applications,
Proc ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2010, 1129-1138 [12.7%].
Kerne, A., Koh, E., Smith, S. M., Webb, A., Dworaczyk, B.,
combinFormation: Mixed-Initiative Composition of Image and Text Surrogates Promotes Information Discovery
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 27(1), Dec. 2008, 5:1-45.
Kerne, A., Damaraju, S., Kumar, B., and Webb, A.
Meta-Metadata: A Semantic Architecture for Multimedia Metadata Definition, Extraction, and Presentation,
Poster and Demo Proc International Conf on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT) 2008.
Kerne, A., Smith, S.M., Koh, E., Choi, H., Graeber, R.,
An Experimental Method for Measuring the Emergence of New Ideas in Information Discovery,
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI),
24 (5) July 2008, 460-477.
Kerne, A., Koh, E., Smith, S.M., Choi, H., Graeber, R., Webb., A.,
Promoting Emergence in Information Discovery by Representing Collections with Composition,
Proc ACM Creativity and Cognition 2007, 117-126 [23%].
Koh, E., Kerne, A., Webb, A., Damaraju, S., Sturdivant, D.,
Generating Views of the Buzz: Browsing Popular Media and Authoring using Mixed-Initiative Composition,
Proc ACM Multimedia 2007, 228-237 [19%].
Koh, E., Caruso, D., Kerne, A., Gutierrez-Osuna, R.,
Elimination of Junk Document Surrogate Candidates through Pattern Recognition,
Proc ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng) 2007, 187-195 [39%].
Kerne, A., Koh, E., Dworaczyk, B., Mistrot, J.M., Choi, H.,
Smith, S., Graeber, R., Caruso, D., Webb, A., Hill, R., Albea, J.,
combinFormation: A
Mixed-Initiative System for Representing Collections as Compositions of
Image and Text Surrogates,
Proc Joint ACM/IEEE Conf. on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2006, 11-20 [23%].
Webb, A., Kerne, A., Koh, E., Joshi, P., Park, Y., Graeber, R.,
Choreographic Buttons: Promoting Social Interaction through Human
Movement and Clear Affordances,
Proc ACM Multimedia 2006, 451-460 [16%].
Toups Dugas, P. O., Graeber, R., Kerne, A., Tassinary, L., Berry, S., Overby, K., Johnson, M.,
Design for Using Physiological Signals to Affect Team Game Play,
Augmented Cognition International 2006.
Kerne, A., Koh, E., Choi, H., Dworaczyk, B., Smith, S.M., Hill, R., Albea, J.,
Creative Learning Experience with Compositions of Image and Text Surrogates,
Proc Ed Media 2006.
Alley, E., Cooper, T., Graeber, R., Kerne, A., Overby, K., Toups Dugas, P. O.,
Censor Chair: Exploring Censorship and Social Presence through
Psychophysiological Sensing,
Proc ACM Multimedia 2005, 922-929 [16%].
Stenner, J., Kerne, A., Williams, Y., Playas: Homeland Mirage,
ISEA/Zero One, Aug 2006, San Jose.
Kerne, A., Koh, E., Sundaram, V., Mistrot, J.M.,
semantic clustering in spatial hypertext,
Proc ACM Document Engineering (DocEng) 2005, 84-93 [30%].
Kerne, A., Smith, S.M., Choi, H., Graeber, R., Caruso, D.,
Navigational Surrogate Formats with Divergent Browsing Tasks,
Proc CHI 2005 Extended, 1537-1540.
Kerne, A., Mistrot, J.M., Khandelwal, M.,Sundaram, V., Koh, E.,
Composition to Re-Present Personal Collections of Hypersigns,
Computational Semiotics in Games and New Media (CoSIGN) 2004, Split, Croatia.
Thanks for support provided by the National Science Foundation.